Update on the Gatineau Case

Two of our clients performed exceptionally well at this court-martial. Our trial preparation made a huge difference. All the charges related to their assaults resulted in convictions, which is a huge success for our clients. The particular lawyer that represented this serial sexual assaulter took a far more aggressive approach than previous court martials.

It’s important to remember that it does not mean that he did not do it just because he was not found guilty convicted on all counts.  There is still the option of civil remedies which puts a much higher burden on him than a criminal trial. I look forward to taking a run at him in civil court as Millars Law has had much success in these kinds of cases. I hope that anyone that has been approached by this man will contact me.

At Millars Law we have the places and means that we can suggest for survivors to get the support they need. Please don’t hesitate to contact us 519-657-1LAW


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