Baby Steps in the Fight of the Opiate Crisis

Millars Law is helping those who suffer from chronic pain get access to safe and effective alternatives to harmful opiates.

We are passionate about helping our clients get legal access to high-quality medicinal cannabis. Medical cannabis is changing the landscape in the battle against chronic pain.

The issue begins with the health care professionals; As a personal injury firm, we deal with thousands of injured victims. We see our client’s medical records, doctor’s appointments, and medicines prescribed.

Anecdotally, we have noticed that doctors are quick to prescribe opiates instead of exploring alternative options such as medicinal cannabis when faced with patients who suffer from chronic pain syndrome.

This is a concerning reality, as opioids have killed at least 4,321 Canadians within an 18-month period (January 2016-June 2017)[1]. More than 165,000 Americans have died of opioid overdose since 1999[2], and the amount of opioid prescriptions dispensed has quadrupled since 1999.  The dangers associated with opioid use cannot be overstated.

Chronic pain is very real and can be debilitating for those who suffer from its effects.  Medicinal cannabis can be life-changing for those who struggle with chronic pain.  Many chronic pain treatments involve the use of strong, addictive and damaging opiates. Medicinal cannabis is being used as an alternative, safer option for pain management. Medical cannabis has not been linked directly to any fatalities and does not have the same side effects as prescription painkillers.  It has also been the focus of many studies which have been afforded many positive results.

Unfortunately, even now many doctors turn to harmful opiates in an attempt to curb the chronic pain in many patients.  This is problematic on several fronts: firstly, opiates are highly addictive, and dangerously harmful to a user’s liver and can also result in harmful side-effects which can alter personality, mood, sleep, weight gain, sexual functions, and so much more.

Most importantly, Medical Cannabis helps 1/3 of chronic pain patients QUIT prescription opioid drugs.

To learn more, or to find out if you can qualify for Medical Cannabis contact us today:

(519) 657- 1LAW (1529) or



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