Want to Bring Your Family to Canada? The Time is Now!

Between 2021-2023, Canada will target the highest level of immigration in its history. On October 30, 2020, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Marco Mendicino, announced that immigration would be essential to Canada’s short-term and long-term economic recovery and growth since the pandemic. Canada’s 2021-2023 Immigration Level Plan provides increases in immigration targets to compensate for the shortfalls of admission of immigrants to Canada due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure that Canada has the required workers to fill labour market gaps and remain competitive on the world stage. The Plan aims to welcome the following targets of permanent residents:

  • 2021: 401,000 immigrants (increased from a previous target of 351,000)
  • 2022: 411,000 immigrants (increased from an earlier target of 361,000)
  • 2023: 421,000 immigrants

The Plan also focuses on and highlights the importance of family reunification and Canada’s commitment to protecting persons most at risk through humanitarian grounds and refugee resettlement.

The IRCC released a supplementary statement that outlines each immigrant category’s specific targets, namely, Economic; Family; Refugee, and Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds. The specific targets for 2021 for each immigrant category are as follows:

  • Total Economic: 232,500
  • Total Family Sponsorship: 103,500
  • Total Refugees and Protected Persons: 59,500
  • Total Humanitarian & Compassionate: 5,500

Due to the uncertainty regarding the re-opening of borders, the IRCC will also focus on broadening and accelerating the process of obtaining permanent residency for immigrations already living in Canada.
Contact Millars Law today to discuss your immigration options and pathway to obtain permanent residency in Canada.
(519) 857-1529 or info@ml-dev.thirdeyeinsights.ca

By: Arnisa Morina

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